Friday, March 20, 2009

Science of Diet and Nutrition

This class has been rather easy for me. The most time consuming part was watching the various videos for each section but I didn’t have to purchase the videos, as they were online. I was very happy with my mid-term which I got a 90 on and I have been getting 90-100 on all of my assignments so far. I thought that this week I would be taking the final but it has not been posted online yet so I’m guessing that I must have been a week ahead. Boy that was a good thing for me. I’ll be taking a break from college until January of next year when I will start taking classes from the University of Utah even though I do bleed blue. It is just one of those things that you have to get over with and I’ll be smart enough not to wear BYU stuff on to the U of U campus.

1 comment:

  1. I'm proud of you with all of what you have and are currently accomplishing. Way to go! You are an awesome man. But then, you knew that didn't you-you smarty!
