Thursday, January 13, 2011

Start of Winter

I have started the dread Statistics course and do not have much fear of it. For me it mostly mkaes sense and I belive that it will be rather easy for me and right now I hope that I'm right. I'm also in my second class on International Relations and this is the second class that I'm taking from Professor Judkins. I really like his lecturing style and amd looking forward to what I'll learn in this class. At the same time I know that there is going to be a lot of reading to do for both of these classes and the hardest thing is going to be those days where I work both before and after class. Ah well atleast I knew what I was getting in for and my loving wife is doing what she can to help me out.


  1. So, is it the Crown gene that gives you the cocky sentiment that Statistics is going to be easy?

    Jus kidding. I'm glad.

    Sounds like, even though it's a lot of work, you're really enjoying and getting the most from your education.

  2. I loved statistics because I had an awesome teacher who knew how to teach it so it made sense. You'll do fine. If I could take it and pass it with a decent grade, you can too. After all, you're smarter than I am! Love you son.
